Chicken Korma

Chicken Korma Recipe:

I am Ahmed, My professional Mom cooks up a Mughlai chicken korma with generous amounts of spices by this Method which gave it delicious taste.
Korma is a gravy dish that is usually made with yogurt, lots of nuts and spices. A Mughal era original, Chicken Korma is the perfect dinner party dish that is easy, quick and a no fuss recipe.

Ingerdiants Of Chicken Korma Recipe:

Chicken cooked in a host of spices such as:

This Chicken Korma is the perfect Dinner Dish to Cook Tonight

Total Cook Time | Prep Time | Cook Time | Recipe Servings
1 h 10 mins | 10 mins | 1 h | 4

Ingrediants Of Korma Recipe:


  1. Heat the vegetable oil into the pan, then put a dollop of ghee.
  2. Put cardamom, cloves, garlic and fry the mix properly.
  3. Then add the chicken and let it cook for about 2-3 minutes.
  4. Keep stirring it
  5. Once it becomes brown, add coriander and chili powder.
  6. Add salt to taste.
  7. Add ginger paste, mixture of fried onions and yogurt, let it cook for a minute.
  8. Then put garam masala and saffron for flavor.
  9. If the gravy is too thick add little bit of water before covering it. The masala should fuse well with the chicken.
  10. Cover it and give it some time to cook on slow fire. Let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes.
  11. Keep stirring occasionally.
  12. Serve hot, garnished with coriander leaves.

Nutrition Value

Protein Fats Carbs Calories Calcium Iron Sodium Potassium
30.05 g | 50.66 g | 8.27 g | 615.37 Kc | 154.62 Mg | 1.81 Mg | 1863.96 Mg | 456.92 Mg